Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Gen 1 Heir Vote

Judah Dobbins           Olivia Dobbins

Please cast your vote down below, this will be open till they both reach teen.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

1.10 Bad News

 After they moved to their new house, Kathryn and Linda received a devastating call from their mother. Kathryn and Linda's father had been in an accident. Kathryn, Linda, and Conor packed the family up and moved back to Bridgeport.

They arrived late that night. A family friend let them rent out his house so that they had a place to stay. It was small but it would do.

They even had a place for Nibbles, who lucky survived the flight from Monte Vista.

Olivia took the move hard at first, moving across the ocean, it was different here. The people talked with accents she thought only her mother, father, and aunt had. She had to adjust to a new culture and a new school.

Conor and Kathryn adjusted to the move well. The both found work easy. Kathryn with her fishing and Conor found a beach who was needing a lifeguard. 

Later that night Lisa got a call from her mother. Her father did not make it.

Olivia tried to console her aunt. Kathryn and Lisa were heartbroken.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

1.9 Moving On

.One night I was awoken by a strange noise, I crept downstairs, to find out what it was. I peeked out the window and I saw this....... this..... thing. I didn't want to know what it was, and I didn't want to stick around for it to notice me, so I ran back upstairs and hid under the covers.

The next morning was a big day, it was Judah's birthday. We didn't really know anyone so we were just gonna have a quite one at home. I got Olivia up first. I fed her, changed her night  diaper, and took her downstairs.

Lisa watched Olivia while I went back upstairs.

When I got to the room, Judah had already grown up. He was such a cutie. I took him downstairs to show Lisa how handsome he had gotten. 

Lisa watched the kids, as I looked for a house in the country.

That night Lisa, Conor, the kids and I moved out of the city, to a bigger better place.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

1.8 The Inevitable

The days went on and on. Conor went back to work, Lisa helped out when she could., and my life was full of  changing diapers, kissing boo boos, and lots and lots of kisses. My baby's were my world. 

When she was left to her own devices, Olivia would always play with her xylophone. It was her favorite thing in the world.

We always made sure to give Judah attention as well.

One morning after the baby's were feed and fussed with, we all set down to talk about the inevitable, we needed a bigger house.


I should have had this up sooner but here it is now :)

.Olivia Dobbins
Likes: R&B, Firecracker Tofu, Black

Linda Maxwell
Likes: Classical, Sushi, Black

Kathryn Dobbins
Likes: Classical, Fruit Parfait, Black

I will get Conor and Judah up soon.
I also made a family echo, if someone could please help me with how to linking it to my page that would be greatly happy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

1.7 Day By Day

Olivia took to learning to use the potty like a pro. Just a couple of weeks. Walking and talking took a little longer, what with Judah needing our attention as well. With all the craziness going on, I found very little to no time to sleep or clean.

Thank goodness for Lisa, or me and Conor would have starved

One night Lisa brought home a little xlyphone for Olivia, and she just fell in love with it.

Between leaning how to walk and talk Olivia would bang on the keys, giggling as she did so. She seemed like a natural.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

1.6 Birthdays

The months went on, everyone took a part in keeping up the house and playing and feeding Olivia. One night as I was putting her to bed, it happened. I started having sharp pains in my stomach. I knew I was in labor, but with everyone out of the house, and I not wanting to leave Olivia, I decided to have the baby, right here, right now.

I gave birth to a wonderful baby boy. I decided to call him Judah. This was when I realized we have no place to put him.

I called Conor and asked if he could run by the store and pick up an extra crib on his way home from work.

As I started to put Olivia in a crib, something happened.

I had forgotten it was Olivia's birthday with all the excitement of Judah.